Trusted and Reliable Security Screens

Diamond Grilles are a traditional design widely used for doors and windows requiring security and privacy for homes and offices. Diamond Grilles are a more affordable alternative to more modern security and privacy solutions.

Protection from Falls

Diamond grille window screens are recognised as a fallsafe screen and are compliant with the “Kids don’t Fly” building code, stating that windows that are more than 2m above the ground may be required to be fitted with window restrictors or impact resistant screens. This means that if you live in a multi-storey home, diamond grille screens and doors can be the solution to removing obstructive window restrictors and providing you with the peace of mind that you and your family will be kept safe from any accidents in the top levels.

Given it’s a legal requirement to have your building protected from potential falls, diamond grille screens and doors are a great option for meeting this building code and bringing back your ventilation.

Hervey Bay Diamond Grilles Security doors and Windows
Hervey Bay Diamond Grilles Security doors and Windows